Businesses and digital assets which cannot be listed for sale on Flippa

Flippa’s verification process for business owners.

During our review and vetting processes at Flippa, we may be unable to to launch your listing on Flippa or subsequently remove it from our platform due to their contravening these policies.

Our vetting process can occur:

  • before listing, 
  • during the go-live stage or,
  • as our systems and Integrity team monitor the live platform.

In the event that a listing is live already, it (or your account) may be temporarily suspended in order to address these concerns. If our concerns are serious in nature, the listing may be canceled without warning and access to your account could be removed. 

Businesses and digital assets which are not accepted on Flippa

  • Businesses that are unable to verify claims made related to finances, traffic, users, and other business metrics when asked by the Flippa team.

  • Digital assets without a revenue stream with an asking or reserve price of $8,000 or more. This typically includes starter sites that are a few months old, or projects that are pre-revenue.

  • E-commerce businesses priced at over $25,000 which have been operating for less than six (6) months.
  • Partially selling a business where a different party operates the domain/website and the Buyer then manages or runs a subdomain, subfolder, or an account on that business' platform are not allowed (e.g. or

  • Promoting the sale of weapons, imitation weapons, and weapon accessories.

  • Businesses where Flippa is the source of at least 30% of income.

  • Cloned, duplicative, or 'reskinned' mobile applications. More details here.

  • Businesses that operate in breach of the Terms of Service or policies of other third party companies. (e.g., the selling of bot traffic, fake followers, likes, or streams across social media and streaming platforms)

  • E-commerce businesses selling counterfeit products 
  • Businesses that operate spamming services or link farms.

  • Businesses that have overly suspicious or fraudulent backlink profiles.

  • Businesses that include software they aren't licensed to sell. A seller must be able to verify they have the correct license which can be transferred to a Buyer, without copyright infringements. 

  • Adult or overly sexual content, including escort services, explicit internet content subscription services (e.g. OnlyFans), and related and/or supporting businesses. Adult products, toys, and underwear are allowed, but listings for such assets cannot show prohibited content.

  • Any business which attempts to circumvent or bypass the Flippa Terms of Service.

  • Any business running on Shopify must have its own corresponding domain. A business can't solely be run from the *

  • Any business that operates a similar marketplace as Flippa where asset owners and buyers come together to sell digital assets or online businesses. 

  • Businesses where ownership is unable to be fully verified. For example, domains for businesses may require proof of domain registration ownership and ID verification, web apps or mobile apps may require ID verification where assets are hosted on third-party platforms. 

  • Any e-commerce business that has one or more supplier(s) that feed in multiple storefronts across marketplaces. FBA, Shopify or various e-commerce portals are not to be split into separate entities and listed. They need to be sold as a single business. 

  • Any business that receives most of its revenue from Etsy cannot list on Flippa due to an Etsy store transfer policy, see here. If Etsy isn't a critical component of the business, then the business can still list, and the Etsy account won't be part of the sale. You will need to instruct a Buyer to setup a new Etsy account. 

This list does not define all businesses not accepted on Flippa, and therefore on a case by case basis, some business models may be deemed not acceptable on Flippa. In the event this occurs, we will review the business and communicate with the asset or business owner.



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