Setting up your account for our Affiliate or Referral program's on Flippa.

At Flippa we have an Affiliate program and Referrer program, find out which is best suited to you here.


Become an Flippa Affiliate

Earn 30% for every asset bought or sold on Flippa.

Is the program right for me?

The program is best suited to bloggers, publishers and those with an online media presence that appeal to website owners, small business operators, investors, and digital enthusiasts.

The expectation is that you either create content or use our content to refer customers back to Flippa. These referrals will be tracked and you will earn where these customers convert. 


Become a Flippa Referrer

Refer a friend or colleague and earn 20% for every asset bought or sold on Flippa. 

Is the program right for me?

The referral program is best suited to those looking to refer on a 1:1 basis. For example, you may have a friend or family member looking to sell a business. 






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