Pricing, Escrow Fees, FlippaPay Fees, and Buyer Verification

Listing Packages

  • Sellers can currently take advantage of a number of packages to boost listing exposure and service levels provided. Their cost and availability depend on the asset type and your asking or reserve pricing: 

    Details about each of the packages are available on our Pricing page

Success Fees

  • Our Success Fees are mandatory and charged depending on the final sale value and whether you choose to be assisted by a Broker. More details about Success Fees are also available on our Pricing page.


FlippaPay Fees

  • From just .50%, leverage our secure cross-border payments using Flippa’s global network of accredited payment platforms.


Escrow by


Transaction Amount (Merchandise + Shipping) Fee %
$0 – $5,000 3.25% ($10.00 minimum)
$5,000.01 – $25,000 $162.50 + 0.26% of amount over $5,000
$25,000.01+ 0.89%


All packages will come with discounted escrow fees paid by the Buyer when initiating an transaction via Flippa. These are offered at a Discounted Rate when using Flippa, this discount is 20% applied to the variable escrow transaction fees. You can see more details on escrow fees here.

There is an additional flat fee to the Seller (usually $20), which may apply to Sellers with bank accounts outside the United States to cover's cost in sending international wire transfers.


Buyer Verification

Before you can bid on a Flippa listing, a $5.00 USD hold is placed on your card. If you choose to bid on a listing or place an offer where the current asking or bid price is $5,000 or more, an additional $500.00 authorization will be required at that time. These are payment holds, not charges or debits, and the funds are automatically made available in your account again without our intervention within ten (10) days per your financial institution or card issuer's policy/process. More details can be found in our Pre-authorization article. 

Please note that all fees and charges are in US Dollars (USD) and there may be currency exchange or other banking fees applicable from your financial institution or card issuer.

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