What's the difference between an auction and a classified listing?


  • Sellers can choose to sell either via an auction or a classified listing
  • Payment options are the same for either type of sale
  • Listing fees and success fees are the same for either type of sale. More information can be found in our article on Fees and Fee Payment, Charges and Pricing

Auction Listings

Auctions on Flippa can last for up to 30 days. Buyers can place bids through the period the auction is live.

The value of the current high bid is displayed on the listing page. Buyers who want to win the auction make bids that are higher than the current high bid. A seller must first accept a Buyer into the auction before their bid is placed.

More information on how auctions work can be found in our article on How does an auction work?

Classified or Fixed Price Listings

In a classified, the offers made to the Seller can be accepted to make a sale, countered with another amount, or rejected entirely.

The Seller can only accept one offer, which then makes a sale and creates a Deal Completion Area.

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