What Does Flippa's Seller Feedback and Score mean?
Each listing on Flippa displays a seller profile that includes a Feedback score.
The feedback score displayed in the seller profile represents the percentage of positive feedback they’ve received.
Click on this number to access the seller’s complete feedback history. Take the time to go through that history in detail, so you can identify any potential issues with the seller, and assure yourself that you’re confident to deal with that person.
The Feedback page also links to each of the people that seller has sold property to.
If the seller has a long sales history, review the listings for both recent and older transactions. This way, you’ll get a cross-section of opinions on the quality of the seller’s properties, claims, and service over time.
Negative feedback could signal trouble. If the trust rating is high, ask the seller to explain the negative feedback, and make a bid or offer only if you’re happy with the answer.