Do I need to perform Due Diligence on a purchase?

Short answer, YES!

Longer answer:

You can never know too much about the asset or business you are thinking of purchasing.

Whilst Flippa makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of listings, the quality of the assets and/ or businesses being sold and the identity of a seller; we thoroughly recommend that you either perform your own Due Diligence review on anything that you intend to purchase or you obtain independent advice from a professional service provider in this area - such as from Centurica. Since starting in 2013, Centurica quickly became the industry leader for due diligence and has been trusted with performing due diligence on over $100 million in businesses. Services include Pre-Offer Business Assessment, Live Revenue, Traffic, and Operations Verification Report, Premium Due Diligence Package (recommended only for six and seven figure businesses) and more.

We also encourage users in our community to add comments and suggest Due Diligence service providers or key things to look for when considering an asset or business purchase.

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