Buyers and Sellers Feedback Explained


In this Article, we will cover

  • Feedback and how feedback are posted
  • Member's reputation and terms of services


We encourage genuine and honest feedback that is both helpful to the recipient and to the wider Flippa community.

In the spirit of open communication and trust, Flippa does not edit or censor Feedback. However, any content deemed to meet the criteria of prohibited content or that contravenes the Flippa User Behavior Policy may be removed. In addition, if both parties (content poster and the user that the content was posted to/ about) agree that the content can be removed then it can be. More information about prohibited content can be found here. More information about the User Behavior Policy can be found here.

Feedback can be posted to individual user profiles and/ or listings. Feedback is public and viewable by any Flippa user. Feedback is displayed on member profiles, and the current feedback score is displayed next to a member’s username wherever it appears on the site.

Feedback requests are sent 2 weeks after the listing is declared won. This feedback invite expires after 120 days.

Buyers are not allowed to exchange positive reviews for goods or services that were not a part of the original transaction, or a refund.

Sellers are not allowed to require a buyer to leave a positive review for monetary or other compensation, refunds or other goods and services not included in the original sale.

Members are not allowed to conspire to increase each other’s feedback without merit or attempt to damage a member’s reputation with repeated negative feedback that is not warranted.

Please note that Feedback may be removed if a member made an error during posting.

If you have any issues or concerns post-sale or with any Feedback that has been posted as part of a sale, we encourage all buyers and sellers to resolve any problems between themselves. If this is not possible, please contact our support team.

Unless they expressly violate our Terms of Service, prohibited content policy or banned behavior policy any feedback left by our another member will not be removed from your profile.

Flippa will not entertain requests for feedback removal that do not originate from the person who left the feedback.  

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