Verifying ownership of a domain


In this article we will cover of a number of ways domain ownership can be verified.

  • Validating Using DNS Text Record - adding a text code provided by Flippa during the listing process as a DNS TXT record via your DNS management console.
  • Checking TXT Records
  • Country Specific Special Examples 

Validating Using DNS Text Record

This involves adding a text code provided by Flippa during the listing process as a DNS TXT record via your DNS management console. 


If you are unsure what this then please do some further research before selling a domain we have links below to explain how to edit a TXT record and its purpose. 

For more information about setting TXT records:
Adding a DNS record at Go Daddy
Adding a DNS record at
or contact your registrar.

Checking your TXT records

Using the MX Toolbox you can check the TXT records that have been added to a domain. Once loaded remove and add in your own domain to confirm. This will allow you to validate before opening a ticket with Flippa Support. 

It may take a few minutes for the change to be visible to us so please wait up to 30 minutes after the TXT record has been uploaded before contacting support.

If the txt record does not work after the 30 minutes then please try removing this and re-adding it. As strange as it sounds sometimes this works as a kind of 'reset'. If you still experience problems then please contact our support team here.



Why can't I verify my domain ownership?


For the protection of all of Flippa's customers, we always want to make sure that you are the registered owner before your domain listing can be launched.

Flippa's automated ownership verification system sends a verification link in an email to the address in the publicly available Whois record for your domain name. Unfortunately, with all of the new country code top-level domains (ccTLDs) and generic top-level domains (gTLDs) launching all the time, we may not be able to verify your ownership automatically.

If we can't find an administrative email address, the ccTLD or gTLD you are using may not show your email address to us, or it may require a CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart), where a code must be entered manually that matches a graphic.

In either case, we would need you to here so we can manually verify your ownership and help you get your listing launched on Flippa.


Here are some of the top-level domains (TLDs ) that we know don't work correctly now on Flippa:

Special Examples

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - and .uk

Unfortunately, the United Kingdom's TLD authority, Nominet, does not display your contact email address in Whois listings at all.

Instead, an alternative method that we have used with other Flippa users for or .uk domains is we will accept a scanned copy of your driving license, passport, or other government-issued photo ID> Please contact Flippa Support Here in this situation. You can also use the automated DNS TXT method.

Canada - .ca

Unfortunately, Canada's TLD authority, the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA), requires a web-based form to sent a message to the registered owner. 

Please let Flippa know Here, we will email you via the CIRA online form. When you receive their email, please send it back to us and we will manually verify your ownership. 


Other Country Code Top-Level Domains (ccTLDs)

Chile - .cl

Colombia - .co

The Dominican Republic - .do and variants

The Federated States of Micronesia - .fm and variants

The Isle of Man - .im and

The British Indian Ocean Territory - .io

Japan - .jp

State of Libya - .ly

The Federal Republic of Nigeria - .ng and variants


Countries where we know captcha is required

The United Arab Emirates - .ae and variants

Albania - .al and variants

Australia - .au and variants

Cocos (Keeling) Islands - .cc

The Federal Republic of Germany - .de

Kingdom of Spain - .es

Republic of Indonesia - .id

Montserrat - .ms

Republic of Peru - .pe

Federal Republic of Somalia - .so


Generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs)

On 20 June 2011, ICANN, the Internet's governing body, voted to end most restrictions on top-level domain names so companies and organizations are now able to choose almost any top-level domain. International top-level domains (IDNs) with the use of non-Latin characters (such as Cyrillic, Arabic, Chinese, etc.) are also now allowed. LLC -

The Ruhr region of Germany. - .ruhr

Most gTLDs are normal everyday words such as .services, .camera, .gallery, .wine, .florist, .financial, .toy,  .rentals, .plumbing, and countless more.


If you have any problems in verifying your ownership for a listing on Flippa with any domain name, Please contact our Customer Success team.


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